A full listing of Turing's papers
The detailed listing is split between four webpages, corresponding to the four volumes of the Turing Collected Works.
The only published paper by Turing is:
This volume of the Collected Works then includes
- A Diffusion Reaction Theory of Morphogenesis in Plants,
written with C. W. Wardlaw.
This complete typescript went unpublished,
presumably because Turing preferred the botanist Wardlaw to publish alone
his paper A commentary on Turing's diffusion-reaction theory of
morphogenesis, New Phytol. 52, pp 40-47.
Now follow the editor P. T. Saunders's completions of Turing's manuscripts on the
Morphogen Theory of Phyllotaxis, divided into
- I. Geometrical and Descriptive Phyllotaxis
- II. Chemical Theory of Morphogenesis
- III. (with B. Richards) A Solution of the Morphogenetic Equations
for the Case of Spherical Symmetry
and finally
- Outline of the Development of the Daisy
Printed in the Impact volume, with many further annotations and commentaries.
The Alan Turing Bibliography: