A full listing of Turing's papers
The detailed listing is split between four webpages, corresponding to the four volumes of the Turing Collected Works.
Mechanical Intelligence
- Proposed Electronic Calculator, Turing's ACE computer plan,
was produced as a typescript in early 1946, an internal National
Physical Laboratory document. The original copy is in the (British) National Archives, in the file DSIR 10/385.
The report was first published as the NPL report, Com.
Sci. 57 (1972), with a foreword by Donald W. Davies.
It was then published in printed form
A. M. Turing's ACE Report of 1946 and Other Papers, eds. B. E.
Carpenter and R. W. Doran, MIT Press (1986), Volume 10 in the Charles
Babbage Institute reprint series for the History of Computing.
The editors worked in detail through Turing's programming and annotated
extensively, with a long introduction.
In the Collected Works, the 1946 report is reproduced in the
MIT Press typography, but without Carpenter and Doran's detailed notes;
instead the editor Darrel Ince has annotated afresh. (It is NOT in the Impact volume or The Essential Turing.)
A scan of the typescript is available in the Turing Digital Archive.
- The Automatic Computing Engine, Lectures given at the
Ministry of Supply, December 1946 and January 1947, by Turing and J. H.
Wilkinson. A report on these was written by T. H. Marshall, Military
College of Science, Shrivenham, February 1947.
Not included in
the Collected Works, but included (ed. B. J. Copeland) in K. Furukawa, D. Michie, S. Muggleton (eds.), Machine Intelligence 15, Oxford University Press (1999)
The Turing Digital Archive has a scan of Hartree's notes on lectures 6 and 7
- Lecture to the London Mathematical Society, February 1947.
Published in 1986 as a companion to the 1946 report in the same MIT Press volume.
The Collected Works reproduces the paper in the MIT
typography, but with fresh annotations.
Typographically reset in the Impact volume.
Typographically reset in The Essential Turing.
For the original Turing typescript, see the Turing Digital Archive.
- Intelligent Machinery, report written by Turing for
the National Physical Laboratory, 1948.
The paper was first published in 1968, within the book
Cybernetics: Key Papers, eds. C. R. Evans and A. D. J.
Robertson, University Park Press, Baltimore Md.and Manchester (1968).
It was also published in 1969 in
Machine Intelligence 5, pp 3-23,
Edinburgh University Press (1969), with an introduction by Donald Michie.
The Collected Works reproduces the 1969 typography,
unfortunately leaving some copying errors uncorrected.
Typographically reset in the Impact volume, with many commentaries.
Typographically reset in The Essential Turing.
For the original Turing typescript see the Turing Digital Archive.
- Checking a Large Routine, Paper for the EDSAC Inaugural
Conference, 24 June 1949. Typescript published in Report of a
Conference on High Speed Automatic Calculating machines, pp
Reprinted with corrections and annotations in
An early program proof by Alan Turing, L. Morris and C. B.
Jones, Ann. Hist. Computing 6 (2) pp 129-143 (1984). The Collected
Works reproduces the original typescript.
Printed in the Impact volume.
Scans of both 1949 and 1984 papers in the Turing Digital Archive
- Programmers' Handbook for the Manchester electronic computer, Manchester University Computing Laboratory (1950)
A selection of pages from the Handbook, with a preface by M. Campbell-Kelly, appears in Part III of the Mathematical Logic volume of the Collected Works.
This selection is reprinted, with fresh commentary, in the Impact volume.
Scan of (presumably) Turing's own copy, in the Turing Digital Archive
The document is transcribed into HTML form and also available as a PDF file.
See also this page of the Manchester computer history site.
- Local Programming Methods and Conventions, in the Manchester
University Computer Inaugural Conference, July 1951.
Reproduced in Part III of the Mathematical Logic volume of the Collected Works.
- Computing Machinery and Intelligence, Mind 59, pp 433-460 (1950)
Published under the title Can a Machine Think, in volume 4 of
The World of Mathematics, ed. James R. Newman, pp 2099-2123,
Simon & Schuster (1956). This has now been reprinted by Dover in this 2000 edition. It is also in
The Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence, ed. Margaret Boden, Oxford University Press (1990), and
partially in The Mind's I, Douglas R. Hofstadter
and Daniel C. Dennett, Basic Books (1981). Richard Dawkins has included an extract from it in The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing (2008).
The Collected Works reproduces the original Mind typography.
Typographically reset in the Impact volume, with many commentaries
It is typographically reset for The Essential Turing.
The text is available on the Loebner Prize website
and also on this philosophy website.
Scan of the original Mind article in the Turing Digital Archive
There is a typescript of the article in the Turing Digital Archive, but it is not clear what connection this has with Turing.
- Chess, a subsection of chapter 25, Digital
Computers Applied to Games, of Faster than Thought, ed.
B. V. Bowden, Pitman, London (1953)
The Collected Works reproduced the entirety of this chapter, although Turing wrote only the part on chess. The
part on draughts was by Christopher Strachey and (I assume) that on Nim by
Audrey Bates; the introductory remarks are (I assume) by Bowden.
Typographically reset in the Impact volume, with many commentaries.
The subsection is typographically reset for The Essential Turing.
Scan of Turing's typescript in the Turing Digital Archive
- Intelligent Machinery: A heretical theory, a talk given by
Turing at Manchester, typescript in the Turing Archive, included in
Sara Turing's memoir (see below). Not included in
the Collected Works, but included (ed. B. J. Copeland) in K. Furukawa, D. Michie, S. Muggleton (eds.), Machine Intelligence 15, Oxford University Press (1999) and also in The Essential Turing.
Printed in the Impact volume.
Scan of the original Turing typescript in the Turing Digital Archive.
- Can digital computers think?, Radio broadcast, 1951 not included in the Collected
Works, but included (ed. B. J. Copeland) in K. Furukawa, D. Michie, S. Muggleton (eds.), Machine Intelligence 15, Oxford University Press (1999), and in The Essential Turing.
Printed in the Impact volume.
Scan of Turing's typescript in the Turing Digital Archive
- Can automatic calculating machines be said to think? Radio broadcast, 1952: discussion with M. H. A. Newman, G. Jefferson, R. B. Braithwaite, not included in the Collected
Works, but included (ed. B. J. Copeland) in K. Furukawa, D. Michie, S. Muggleton (eds.), Machine Intelligence 15, Oxford University Press (1999).
Printed in the Impact volume and in The Essential Turing.
Scan of the BBC typescript in the Turing Digital Archive
- Solvable and Unsolvable Problems, Science News 31, pp 7-23
is included in this volume of the Collected Works but also in
the Pure Mathematics volume.
Typographically reset in the Impact volume, with substantial review and annotation.
Typographically reset in The Essential Turing.
Scan of a partial typescript draft in the Turing Digital Archive, where it is placed as found, muddled up with unpublished manuscripts on morphogenesis.
The Alan Turing Bibliography: